INTRADAY TRADING STRATEGY ON S&P500 INDEX YEAR 2024 - 2025 FROM 01/01/2024 TO 22/04/2024

For privacy and company policy reasons, the managed and current capital of Smartia S.r.l. has been obscured, while the generated profit and other essential data related to strategic performance are maintained.

  • NET PROFIT: Total profit percentage in the specified time period (+256.77%)
  • TOTAL CLOSED TRADES: Number of trades closed within the specified time frame (155)
  • PROFIT PERCENTAGE: Percentage of trades that ended in profit compared to the total number executed in the specified time period (50.35%)
  • PROFIT FACTOR: Average risk/reward ratio on all trades closed within the specified time period (7.134)
  • AVERAGE TRADE: Average percentage profit on all trades closed (+0.07%)
  • AVERAGE NUMBER OF BARS IN TRADES: Bars refer to candles related to the time frame used (in this case 5 minutes), so each trade had an average of (232 duration candles).